Jun 16, 2015

Weight Loss (Fat Loss) - A Smart Approach

First, let's clarify what we are really talking about "fat loss" here instead of "weight loss", in other words, we want to maintain our muscle tissue while losing weight. However, for convenience, we will use the terms interchangeably.

Whenever you think of the word "diet" that always seems to evoke very restrictive feeding practices images that seem almost to border on starvation.

However, this should not be the case. While any effective weight loss program must come down to the simple equation that you must burn more than you consume any real weight loss to occur, there are smart ways to achieve this.

Studies have shown that 70 to 80% weight loss is achieved through diet or eating habits, while the rest is carried out through exercise and other factors. Moreover, as we all know, it is much easier not to eat 300 calories, which is to burn 300 calories with exercise.

Therefore, the first step in any weight loss program well be limited calorie diet - but please make sure you restrict calories to less than 1,200 per day unless you are under the direction and medical supervision.

However, from a thermal standpoint, your body does not distinguish between a source of calories in the other, that is. 300 calories of a chocolate muffin is the same as 300 calories of fruits and vegetables (in terms of calories). However, note that if your calorie intake is reduced, but is still eating the wrong kinds of food, so you could do untold damage his body hidden.

Now you've probably heard many times that you should eat "good" carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables and cut all processed foods, but it is not that simple.

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of the type or quality of carbohydrates in a particular food and how quickly they raise glucose and insulin in the blood, and sugar is estimated at 100. The IG fruit and vegetables can vary greatly, anywhere from 15 to 85, so you still need to be very selective in their choice of "good" carbohydrates.

You should also make sure you eat enough protein to "feed" and prevent the loss of muscle and "good" fats also sufficient, like those found in nuts, especially walnuts, almonds and walnuts macadamia.

For the safe and efficient loss (fat) weight, consume fewer calories than you burn, eat the right foods, walking regularly for at least 20 minutes per session and do some strength training to maintain lean muscle mass.As always, before starting a weight loss program, please consult your doctor.

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