Jun 30, 2015

Successful Fat Loss Happens By Asking The Right Questions - What's So Great About Losing Fat?

Fat loss and weight loss are a great topic of conversation at this time of year. Chances are you've already been to a party, strangled his liver in the corn syrup and high fructose libations, and had a lot of semi-awkward conversations with neighbors that you know, but not really.

And in one of those conversations probably someone had the nerve to set up weight loss. Or your new regime. Or a fat loss program that achieves amazing new "amazing results" - probably just swallow a plate of cookies and cobbler.

When these "non-conversations" occurring as I like to call them, do not share TECHNICAL am about to share with you. Unless, of course, you want someone to cry (could be a bit of a scene).

See, when most people "exposed" to "lose fat" are not really motivated to do what needs to be done to achieve the end result (ie, lose fat, build muscle). This is because they are not in contact with him why.

WHY I put in capital letters regarding your BIG WHY. Why do you want to lose fat and trim?

The vast majority of people do ask "Why me want to lose fat?" Once, then put to think, "This time it will be different. This time, my will is strong enough. I will not go down Third Street past Starbucks and I'll just drink soda and I will not eat more than once a week and I will not overeat at holiday party Smith ".


A full program of the mid-season vacation deprivation, it will be a success, especially when everyone is going wild pig and asking them to join. (I hope you have a hint of sarcasm there).This blog is on identifying the true reasons for wanting to lose fat (or do anything else for that matter).When you have a goal to lose fat, I want you to ask "What's so great about _________?"Fill in the blank with your goal of fat loss.For example, say you come to my fitness and boot camp fat loss and you said you wanted to lose 10 pounds ...

QUESTION: What is the advantage to lose 10 pounds? (I am a fitness trainer and fat loss by trade, so I hear, I just want to lose 10 pounds a long line)A: I will be able to swing my skinny jeans "" I went to college.Now here is where they stop most people.I tell you that you have to go further. Keep asking "What's so great about it?" and you will find your answers become much more powerful every time you ask.


QUESTION: What is good in tight jeans rocking his college?A: I feel attractive again, as I did in school.QUESTION: What's so great to feel sexy?A: I do not feel ugly and believe me, DUH!QUESTION: What is good not to feel raw and ugly?A: I'm going to feel more confident about my body.QUESTION: What is good in the sense of trust in your body?A. When I am confident in my body, I feel sure of myself.QUESTION: What is good in the sense of confidence in yourself?ANSWER: It makes me happy.And there it is.

Your goal is to lose 10 pounds of fat. His reason is that makes you happy.

Not because you will be able to wear skinny jeans. Aesthetic goals can only take you so far. Also, try to "recover" the past does take her measure (perhaps because it is impossible - all we have right now is anyway).

Many of us never dig deep enough when we set goals. This is not to say that our goals are not worth it, in fact quite the opposite. Rather, we are not in touch with our BIG "Why?" And if we are not able to reach.Jim Rohn well said, "When you have a good enough" why "" how "it gets easier."

Take a chance to review the goals you have set for this year and beyond, and are related to fat loss, fitness, or something else. Do not ask "Why?" once - try asking "What's so great about it?" at least 5, 6, and 7 times. Eventually you will have your BIG WHY - and that is when the how (get up early for training, a healthy diet, good sleep, turn off the TV) becomes easy.

The funny thing is that the BIG WHY is usually the simplest of all the answers :)

I like how Bruce Lee said - "The height of cultivation always runs to simplicity."

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