Jun 29, 2015

How to Release Fat Burning Hormones - 3 Healthy and Fast Fat Loss Tips

It may not be aware, but there are two types of hormones that determine whether you win or lose weight. These are fat combustion hormones as growth hormone (GH) and glucagon hormone and fat storage, insulin. This article will focus on achieving healthy and lose fat fast learning to release fat burning hormones to keep insulin at a safe level.

Take these 3 tips to heart to release hormones burning fat

Aerobic or cardio coherent

Since oxygen is needed to burn fat, aerobic (meaning "with oxygen") or cardio, as it is now known, is ideal for moderately effective fat loss. Consistency is more important than the type made of aerobics.

Brisk walking, jumping rope, dancing or mowing the lawn - they are also excellent choices for low intensity exercise. Although it is possible to lose 5-10 pounds with these exercises, it is imporant to note that the fat burning effects cease once the training is completed.

A good night's sleep is paramount
 Adequate sleep releases the hormone of about 1-2 hours of sleep growth begins. For most, 7-8 hours of sleep at night offer the maximum benefits of this hormone. Note that skimp on closing the eyes will result in less growth hormone is produced by the body to burn less fat.

Time to go to bed is also critical. Research shows that more growth hormone occurs if you are asleep during the afternoon. In addition, daytime sleepiness was found to be less effective. It appears that the daylight reduces the production of this hormone, which leads to less fat burning.

Eating protein and swing

Unsurprisingly, good nutrition is the third vital component to release fat burning hormones.

Fresh fruit such as apples, pineapples, strawberries and vegetables such as carrots, asparagus, lettuce and tomatoes flush out the fat. But it is the protein, such as chicken, eggs, tofu and (preferably organic) lean red meat, which actually release the other burning hormone, glucagon fat. As a bonus, eating lean meats gives you a feeling of fullness, avoiding the temptation to overeat.

You need to lose more weight?

 The above tips will help you lose a moderate amount of weight, 5-10 pounds. But if you need to lose weight seriously, no way around it: you'll have to perform high intensity exercises, period. This type of exercise will increase the metabolic rate to a level such that the effect of burning fat (afterburner) continues from 10 am to perhaps one day, it makes you lose more fat.

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