Jun 30, 2015

Lose Fat And Gain Muscle At the Same Time - Mission Impossible?

Is it possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? Some experts say "no way" while others say "yeah." Who to believe? Well, I do not say, but this article is to clarify the most important things that any other literature out there confusing. Let's start with basic science and then I will explain the views of the two experts. Finally, I'll tell you what it means to you, and how you need to reach your ideal body type.

First, why should I even listen? Well, simply because I did not only research, but I'm also considering sweat and hours in the gym to know these things. Once I am a skinny kid in hidden hate baggy clothes look in a mirror. I gained a lot of muscle and fat in my body jump. 

 In fact, my abs became more defined than it had ever been before. I still have a long way to go, but I know how difficult it is when you want to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. it is posible? Let's find out.

So that the simple science tells us about the possibility of losing fat and gaining muscle simultaneously?

More muscle means a higher metabolism - CHECK. In the results of higher metabolism and more fat burned - CHECK. Thus, for this science, if you build muscle, your metabolic rate is due to rise and should be burning fat. This is actually correct, and not just in theory it sounds, but research has shown that this is true. More muscle = more fat burned.

So experts say "Hell Yeah! It is possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time" base their arguments on this issue and they are right.

Am I saying that others are wrong and talk nonsense?

Not really. Experts say "No Way! It is not possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time" mainly basing its argument on this point. The diet you should follow to gain muscle is almost the opposite of the diet, you should lose fat.

Firstly, building muscle requires the consumption of a calorie intake much higher than normal due to muscle building consumes large amounts of energy. The necessary diet to burn fat, on the other hand, requires a lower than normal caloric intake, because you want to force your body by eating its own fat instead of getting the calories from food.

Did not that mean it's impossible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? NO! Because the alternation between plans, you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, but it will take much more time to reach a goal.

In short, experts who cry "It is impossible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time," try to say that you can not try to do one thing and succeed in making each other simultaneously . Ineffective anyway.

What does this mean for you? Simple!If you want to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time, I must ask you if you are patient enough to wait for the results that will have a long time. Fighting 2 battles at the same time is difficult. I recommend that you choose either build muscle or burn fat first. Then focus on that, and once you achieve this, focus on the next. This will help you do more things faster and more efficiently.

Although it is technically possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, it may not be practical, because it is much less effective in achieving these two objectives together. Instead of prioritizing and aspire to these goals first, then the other.

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