Jun 18, 2015

Aerobic Exercise for Weight Loss?

Have you ever seen a fat marathon runner? Me neither. For most people, this is enough to run on specific tests of aerobic exercise and, in general, is a great way to lose weight. Well it is not. These guys are skinny because they spend a lot of time to run, they have no time to eat! this is a joke. If you want to run between 60-80 miles per week, you can lose weight. But it may simply be a time more effectively.

Save a number of years, I decided, essentially a bet, train and run a marathon. I do not want to run. But a challenge is made and it was enough motivation. I thought he was at least a good way to finally drop 25 pounds of fat so desperately wanted too.  

On July that tipped the scales at 195 (I'm 5'9 "tall) and ran. I reduced my time in the weight room minute for minutes that my operating time per day / week increased. A In mid-October, I was ready and I ran my first marathon, finishing with a time of 4:15. The day after the race, I weighed myself for the umpteenth time and here, £ 195. All run and I managed to lose not a book.

Fast forward a few years to find me still regularly but reduced after running only a few times a week, and not far away. Then disaster. A shoulder injury is another line to lift me for 3 months. I decided no lifting, no running, nothing.

 But I decided to stop packing books I reduce my calorie intake by eliminating all liquid calories. No sports drinks, not protein shakes, milk, beer. I lost 35 pounds. My body fat percentage is halved and my waist size decreased by 4 inches.

 I benching about twice the weight of my body at that time, which means they have a good amount of muscle mass compared to my weight. Like most people, carrying about 20 pounds of fat on top of the muscle. When I trained for the marathon, I kept lifting (if less), eating and drinking at my normal level of fear of losing muscle mass. What I do not have it. But I have not lost any fat either.

 Which brings me to the conclusion of the race did nothing to weight loss / fat. When I stopped everything, I still had my muscle mass, which means that my level of daily calories basil was still high (the amount of calories you can eat and stay in constant weight) so that a reduction caloric intake that weight loss results. Now I did lose muscle, but I lost twice as much fat. The point is that no amount of aerobic exercise make you lose weight.

Sure, aerobic exercise is vital for cardiovascular health, and highly recommend it. However, for weight loss? Impossible. Take some weight and suppress the range unless you have the time and motivation to start being 80 miles per week.

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