Jun 29, 2015

How Are Fitness and Weight Loss Related?

Today, many people are overweight, sedentary lifestyle, or both. If for any reason you decide to change a single problem - more physically active and lose weight, what could be the best option.

According Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study, in which researchers monitored the level of health, body weight and exercise more than 14,000 middle-aged men 11 years old, be in better physical shape can be more beneficial than weight loss. The level of fitness participants was estimated by measuring their metabolic equivalents (MET) through a stress test.

The results showed that men who keep their fitness levels, compared to those whose levels decreased during the study, reduce the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 30%, even if they do not lose significant weight excess. Men whose fitness improved - reduced their risk of cardiovascular disease by 40%.

How fitness is measured?There are countless fitness definitions related to the comfort of body sensation and having an athletic figure, but one of the most accurate reflects the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to power / oxygen during exercise of moderate intensity low, and the ability to use the muscles of oxygen.

A clear and effective way to measure fitness levels is the use of a treadmill to estimate the maximum physical capacity. While running on a treadmill, the speed and incline gradually increase until you can not go further. Physical capacity is usually measured in METs - the amount of oxygen used while sitting or sleeping. The respective number of MET is calculated by a formula based on the speed and incline at peak performance.

Increase the ability to get closer to your healthy weightAchieving and maintaining a healthy weight, and increasing physical activity showed two of the best things you can do to improve your long term health. But what if you are overweight and inactive? This study and others suggest that being more active is a good first step toward better health.

The increased amount of physical activity and / or exercise depends on age, gender, current physical condition and individual characteristics. It is important when you are starting from. If your fitness level is low today, you can increase the performance of the regular activity that challenges your body, and gradually improve its levels increase slowly in the long term.

 No need for intense exercise, in terms of physical condition related to health, can often lead to more negative than positive effects. To challenge your body, it means working hard enough to speed up the heart rate and breathing.For people who do not regularly train their heart, lungs and muscles, any increase in activity is important. But as beneficial as physical activity is, in itself can not lead to a significant reduction in weight.  

To further improve your health and reduce the risk of developing many diseases, this study and countless others before it, suggests that you still want to reduce their excess weight. Of course, this is achieved through a balanced diet and gradually reduced daily energy intake.  

The slow and gradual changes are essential, as it allows meal plans that are more easily tracked, it gives enough time for the body to adapt to the new trends of the time, and it is expected that the results have long been known and durable.

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