Jun 22, 2015

High Intensity Exercise for Health and Weight Loss

More research is touting the benefits of interval training and high-intensity workouts. No doubt the most difficult exercise, the more calories you burn is done.  

The high intensity training encourages the formation of more muscle fibers that provides greater strength and conditioning while increasing your metabolism to burn more calories than carbohydrates and fats. However, it is not for everyone.  

People who have been sedentary or struggle with chronic health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma, emphysema need to use great caution before trying this type of exercise. Check with your doctor before starting an exercise program is prudent to avoid injuries or serious side effects.

Interval training is not new among serious athletes. Coaches have long understood the benefits of sessions alternately change to incorporate different styles of training not only to avoid boredom, but for beneficial results. 

 Cross-training between aerobic activity, strength training and flexibility generally provides a more balanced for virtually any sport or recreational activity approach. In addition, it is a great way for the average person trying to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.

A recently released high intensity training, the study has even shown the advantage of this type of intense exercise for just six minutes per week. They studied "total" periods of intense exercise three times running 1-2 minutes with short breaks in between. The amount of energy burnt and positive stimulus for muscle strengthening was so great workouts so long. 

 These short courses up to six minutes per week resulted in increased resistance, strength and weight loss. Note that most studies performed exercise with young adults and healthy athletes often. 

 So a little perspective and word of caution is appropriate before deciding to make the leap of faith itself. High intensity workouts can increase the risk of injury and can not be a good idea for people who have been sedentary and are just starting an exercise routine. 
 In addition, underlying chronic conditions like heart disease, arthritis, diabetes or lung problems should be carefully considered before starting an exercise program, regardless of the intensity. Consult your professional health care provider and determine a plan that is safe and effective for you is paramount. 

 What we can learn from the flood of information is that there may be ways to modify exercise programs to make them more effective and accessible to all.

It has been shown small amounts of exercise to benefit anyone at any age or sex. Although there are differences in metabolism between men and women, largely due to the effects of estrogen in men and women can benefit from interval training, as long as it is reasonable and appropriate for their packaging personal level.  

Overworked, too quickly in an attempt to recover the time lost will not only unsustainable, but a risk of injury.  

A good rule to calculate the intensity is your target heart rate while staying in a safe area. The maximum heart rate is to subtract your age from 220. Stay in a safe place for the year would remain at 60-75% of maximum. Heart rate. If you're 40: 220-40 = 180. Taking 60-75% of 180 means that you need to keep your heart rate between 108 and 135 beats per minute.

This is an estimate of the force to be exerted. Other individual considerations may be physical illnesses or chronic health conditions that limit their ability to move reasonable. For an adult in good health in general, these estimates work well. 

 The exercise routines that are low impact are also preferable. The high-impact sports or running may be too traumatic for the joints, even for healthy people to participate in a high-intensity exercise frequently.  

Swimming, biking, or using an elliptical is more suitable for interval training and safely. If the training several times a week, alternating between a rainy day and easy days provides recovery time and healing, while hiring increased production of the muscle fiber. 

 Remember other type of activities and requiring the use of different muscle groups. A wise dynamic warm to warm the muscles and increase circulation before exercise is helpful. Stretching focusing on maintaining range of motion and flexibility is also an important part of fitness program. Yoga is an excellent discipline for strength and mobility while focusing the mind.

There is no single formula for workouts. The message varies the intensity and the type of activity is beneficial. In addition to the sessions short intervals of higher intensity can provide health benefits, both short and long term.  

An exercise program can be accessed more efficiently allowing people to exercise more often for shorter periods of time, while achieving health benefits. 

 Exercise should be tailored to individual needs of each person. His general condition and medical history should be evaluated by a doctor before starting an exercise program.

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