Jun 21, 2015

Weight Lifting And Weight Loss

During the time of Jane Fonda, everyone focused on aerobic exercise to lose weight. It is true that aerobic exercise uses fat as fuel, weightlifting is an essential part of a weight loss diet.

Many people are only confirmed if a component is weight loss. What I mean here is, which can take up running, but neglect to improve your food choices. On the other hand, maybe they start weight training but neglect improvements in your diet and cardio achieve.

Weight loss is a three components: weight lifting, cardiovascular exercise and healthy eating. This article will focus on the importance of weight lifting and weight loss.

If you are like millions of people, who were concerned about their weight. You may even consider you to have poor metabolism. Your metabolism is essential to your weight loss efforts. Your metabolism is an important part of how to lose weight and how to maintain it.

Metabolism is the engine of your body. Your metabolism is the rate at which the body uses fuel or burning calories at rest, only to maintain the normal functions of your body. Usually, people use 60-75% of their calories to your resting metabolic rate and can burn more calories if they participate in exercise or other physical activities.

However, it is not only participation rates affecting its metabolism. Your muscle tissue is where most of your calories are burned in your body. Unfortunately, if you do not participate in activities to maintain your lean muscle mass, you will start to lose about half a pound of lean body mass each year from around the age of 30 years.

So lean muscle mass you have, the more your metabolism works, because they burn more calories and fat just to feed the muscle.

Therein lies the reason that weight lifting and weight loss go hand in hand. If you do a diet program without adding calories count strength training, you can lose weight, but some weight could be muscle. So what happens is, again begins to eat more calories, the extra calories are stored as fat because your metabolism has been affected negatively. Muscle is required!

Research has shown that this theory works. In the book Strong Women Stay Slim, Miriam Nelson the author cites a study in which a group of women who follow a weight loss diet with weight training exercises lost 44 percent more fat than those who followed the diet.

In addition, weight training is essential to maintain weight once you have reached your ideal weight. Many studies have shown that participants who lost weight through a combination of exercise (including lifting weights) and caloric restriction were better able to maintain long-term weight compared to those who did not own that caloric restriction.

If you're new to weight training, but is on a mission to shed excess weight, be sure to focus less on the scale. Yes, the scale can help you keep lost pounds, but do not know if these books are fat or muscle. A better way is to evaluate how your clothes are fitting. Muscle weighs more than fat, so you can gain muscle and lose fat, the scale does not tell the whole story.

Many personal trainers recommend having your body measured at the start of your program and continue to measure each week. Stay motivated by lost inches, and muscle definition that begins to see. Do not be so obsessed with what they say the numbers on the scale.

Consider meeting with a personal trainer who can help you develop a height / weight strength training program everything to help you reach your weight loss goals. Your program should:

- target all the major muscle groups;- vary the exercises for each of these groups of muscles;- change the weight and intensity;- add resistance as you get stronger;- have plans to prevent plateaus.

Most trainers recommend strength training at least every other day for maximum benefits and building lean muscle.

I hope you are now motivated to start lifting weights to lose weight. Lifting weights will give you a more sculpted appearance that speed up your metabolism and allow you to maintain the weight you worked so hard to get rid of! Start today!

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