Jun 24, 2015

Fast Weight Loss - Best Simple Aerobic Exercises to Speed Up Your Weight Loss Process

Rapid weight loss can be achieved with a good weight loss program completed by a sufficient amount of good exercise. While a good weight loss program typically has its own exercise program, there are a few exercise sessions can be added into your daily workout menu to speed up the process.  

Note that in particular cases of diet, as a program that involves fasting, detoxification, drug use, or diet Fed is not advisable to add another training session; adhere to exercise included in the program as it was adapted to their physical condition during the program. But if you start a diet in order to lose weight permanently in the long term, these two methods of exercise will add a nice weight reduction

Weight Training; suggest that a program of moderate exercise like yoga or walking, which is good for obese people or busy. But if you have a little extra time and strength will be, adding a weight training session will reward you well.

 The extra muscle gained from weight training will need more calories to maintain, that means you burn more calories even when you do nothing or rest. , Has also been shown weight training regularly to increase the body's metabolism, which is good for weight control. Do not do it every day because your body needs time to repair muscles after a workout with weights; It is recommended 3-4 times.

Aerobic Exercise their choice; Aerobic exercise is exercise that help get air into the lungs, such as jogging, cycling or swimming. These activities contribute to improving the distribution and consumption of oxygen throughout the body and improve heart rate, which in turn help eliminate excess fat and toxins.  

Aerobic activities include running, fast walking, swimming, biking, skating, skiing, hiking, dancing, rowing, kayaking and canoeing; choose the one you like and you find yourself wanting to do so without being obliged, enjoying the weight loss process. Note that if you panting then you push your body too hard; start with short and adjusted over time.

There are many alternatives to aerobic exercise; are some of the most applicable during, before or after your daily activities:

Morning jogging or walking; This is the easiest and most recommended exercise to start the day. Not only burn calories at stable level if you continue to increase the length, it is also nice because you can still talk while walking, walking your dog, or listen to music through your MP3 player.

 You can also park your car farther away from your office or supermarket and walking. So if walking or jogging are not included in the list of exercises of your weight loss program, by all means, start as soon as possible.

Swimming; all on a diet like running and perhaps more than its weight loss program will suggest jogging in his diary to-do-list, but if you have time to visit the pool after or between your daily activities will be greater advantage. 

 Swimming is great because you can get the same benefits as running with less stress on your joints. This activity will burn more calories and is an exercise that will use almost every part of your body while keeping your heart healthy.

Climbing stairs; upstairs a large amount of calories burned and can be made between their activities; the only drawback is that this activity force the knee to work hard at first, but get used to over time. So every time you line up in front of the elevator, take the stairs instead.

exercise DVD; it is advisable to find the one with aerobic activities. Flowing movement and music will help you stay focused and avoid boredom.

Cycling; If your workplace is not so far from home, try the bike every morning at his workplace. You burn calories significant amount depending on how you go and the contour of the road, while at the same time preserving our precious ozone. If you do not like the idea of ​​cycling was caused by weather or air pollution and then buying an exercise bike for you to ride a bike while watching TV the House.

Jump The Rope; Jumping rope is simple, can be done at any time, the less time and energy it consumes more complicated than aerobic movement. 30 minutes jumping rope is equal to 90 minutes of physical activity in standard aerobic exercise. Start with a one-minute break and go over time.

Remember that these exercises are a way to supplement their main weight loss program, it is important that you put priority to-do-list its first program, and doing extra exercise whenever you can time.

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