Jun 30, 2015

Wedding Diet Plan and Weight Loss Guide

It is your upcoming wedding? Need to lose weight fast? This article will teach in a safe, healthy and effective to lose weight and maintain it. A complete system of guidance and lose weight now!

To start a diet and exercise routine diet, you must first prepare mentally. It will take a lot of dedication and it will not be easy. Often only recall that the results will be worth your devotion. Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life and you want to look and feel better.  
You can start by finding inspiring images of body types that inspire weight loss and exercise. Then remove all the junk food in your home and office food.

Junk food is defined as processed foods, fast foods, chips, cookies, candy, baked goods, etc. Want to get rid of high fat, sugar and foods high in sodium as well. Remember to check the nutrition labels. Take poor diet is an essential step in the food process.  
You will not lose weight being tempted by unhealthy foods. Replace unhealthy foods with low-fat fresh fruit calcium products, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and beans. 

 Once your body is used to eating healthy food that no longer seek the wrong things. Sugar is one of the most difficult to break additions; your body will go through a period of withdrawal, where all you can think is to eat sweet foods. Resist the temptation; possibly go a week or two and the results will be worth it.

It is best to keep a food journal and record everything you eat and the time. Stay away from alcoholic beverages, these drinks are high in calories and has no nutritional value. This will help you stay on track and know when you get cravings.  
You can fight against cravings by having a glass of water with lemon / lime. Another option is to brush your teeth or chew gum. Talk to friends, family and his girlfriend on your nutritional goals so they can support you and help you stay on track.

Try to eat 5-6 small meals a day about every 3 hours. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day and avoid sugary drinks, including fruit juices. It is much better to eat fruit than drink the juice. Try to avoid eating during the months before the wedding. If you must go to a restaurant for a lean meat such as chicken breast with vegetables (not ask butter or oil). Beware of salads in restaurants; dressings are usually high in fat and calories.

Healthy Food Guide:

 - fresh fruit (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, melons, bananas, oranges, pineapple, mango, pears, apples)- vegetables (broccoli, asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, cabbage, cauliflower, green beans, peas, squash, eggplant, zucchini, spinach, celery, beets, peppers, kale)- Look for lean or lean protein on the label (egg whites, turkey, low sodium ham, ground beef, chicken, shrimp, cottage cheese, fish, tofu, soybeans)- whole grains (whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, sweet potatoes, flour of bad oats)- legumes (lentils, beans, black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, kidney beans)- nuts (peanuts, walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts, almonds)- calcium or low-fat (low fat cheese, skim milk, nonfat yogurt, low sugar)

Food samples suggested: Remember to drink plenty of water!

1. Breakfast: 5 egg whites with whole wheat bread2. Snack: apple or fat / sugar free yogurt3. Lunch: Lean Cuisine meal 300 calories4. Snack: 10 assorted nuts5. Dinner: 4 ounces of chicken breast, small sweet potato, 1 cup of broccoli

Exercise is an important part of weight loss because the body must burn calories to lose fat. To effectively lose weight should exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Exercise can include walking, running, biking, skating, swimming and aerobic fitness machines.

 In addition to aerobic exercise to try to lift weights at least three times a week. If you are a member at a gym to try a group exercise courses motivate you and get you in shape. Always do your best and not give up!

Successful Fat Loss Happens By Asking The Right Questions - What's So Great About Losing Fat?

Fat loss and weight loss are a great topic of conversation at this time of year. Chances are you've already been to a party, strangled his liver in the corn syrup and high fructose libations, and had a lot of semi-awkward conversations with neighbors that you know, but not really.

And in one of those conversations probably someone had the nerve to set up weight loss. Or your new regime. Or a fat loss program that achieves amazing new "amazing results" - probably just swallow a plate of cookies and cobbler.

When these "non-conversations" occurring as I like to call them, do not share TECHNICAL am about to share with you. Unless, of course, you want someone to cry (could be a bit of a scene).

See, when most people "exposed" to "lose fat" are not really motivated to do what needs to be done to achieve the end result (ie, lose fat, build muscle). This is because they are not in contact with him why.

WHY I put in capital letters regarding your BIG WHY. Why do you want to lose fat and trim?

The vast majority of people do ask "Why me want to lose fat?" Once, then put to think, "This time it will be different. This time, my will is strong enough. I will not go down Third Street past Starbucks and I'll just drink soda and I will not eat more than once a week and I will not overeat at holiday party Smith ".


A full program of the mid-season vacation deprivation, it will be a success, especially when everyone is going wild pig and asking them to join. (I hope you have a hint of sarcasm there).This blog is on identifying the true reasons for wanting to lose fat (or do anything else for that matter).When you have a goal to lose fat, I want you to ask "What's so great about _________?"Fill in the blank with your goal of fat loss.For example, say you come to my fitness and boot camp fat loss and you said you wanted to lose 10 pounds ...

QUESTION: What is the advantage to lose 10 pounds? (I am a fitness trainer and fat loss by trade, so I hear, I just want to lose 10 pounds a long line)A: I will be able to swing my skinny jeans "" I went to college.Now here is where they stop most people.I tell you that you have to go further. Keep asking "What's so great about it?" and you will find your answers become much more powerful every time you ask.


QUESTION: What is good in tight jeans rocking his college?A: I feel attractive again, as I did in school.QUESTION: What's so great to feel sexy?A: I do not feel ugly and believe me, DUH!QUESTION: What is good not to feel raw and ugly?A: I'm going to feel more confident about my body.QUESTION: What is good in the sense of trust in your body?A. When I am confident in my body, I feel sure of myself.QUESTION: What is good in the sense of confidence in yourself?ANSWER: It makes me happy.And there it is.

Your goal is to lose 10 pounds of fat. His reason is that makes you happy.

Not because you will be able to wear skinny jeans. Aesthetic goals can only take you so far. Also, try to "recover" the past does take her measure (perhaps because it is impossible - all we have right now is anyway).

Many of us never dig deep enough when we set goals. This is not to say that our goals are not worth it, in fact quite the opposite. Rather, we are not in touch with our BIG "Why?" And if we are not able to reach.Jim Rohn well said, "When you have a good enough" why "" how "it gets easier."

Take a chance to review the goals you have set for this year and beyond, and are related to fat loss, fitness, or something else. Do not ask "Why?" once - try asking "What's so great about it?" at least 5, 6, and 7 times. Eventually you will have your BIG WHY - and that is when the how (get up early for training, a healthy diet, good sleep, turn off the TV) becomes easy.

The funny thing is that the BIG WHY is usually the simplest of all the answers :)

I like how Bruce Lee said - "The height of cultivation always runs to simplicity."

Lose Fat And Gain Muscle At the Same Time - Mission Impossible?

Is it possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? Some experts say "no way" while others say "yeah." Who to believe? Well, I do not say, but this article is to clarify the most important things that any other literature out there confusing. Let's start with basic science and then I will explain the views of the two experts. Finally, I'll tell you what it means to you, and how you need to reach your ideal body type.

First, why should I even listen? Well, simply because I did not only research, but I'm also considering sweat and hours in the gym to know these things. Once I am a skinny kid in hidden hate baggy clothes look in a mirror. I gained a lot of muscle and fat in my body jump. 

 In fact, my abs became more defined than it had ever been before. I still have a long way to go, but I know how difficult it is when you want to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. it is posible? Let's find out.

So that the simple science tells us about the possibility of losing fat and gaining muscle simultaneously?

More muscle means a higher metabolism - CHECK. In the results of higher metabolism and more fat burned - CHECK. Thus, for this science, if you build muscle, your metabolic rate is due to rise and should be burning fat. This is actually correct, and not just in theory it sounds, but research has shown that this is true. More muscle = more fat burned.

So experts say "Hell Yeah! It is possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time" base their arguments on this issue and they are right.

Am I saying that others are wrong and talk nonsense?

Not really. Experts say "No Way! It is not possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time" mainly basing its argument on this point. The diet you should follow to gain muscle is almost the opposite of the diet, you should lose fat.

Firstly, building muscle requires the consumption of a calorie intake much higher than normal due to muscle building consumes large amounts of energy. The necessary diet to burn fat, on the other hand, requires a lower than normal caloric intake, because you want to force your body by eating its own fat instead of getting the calories from food.

Did not that mean it's impossible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? NO! Because the alternation between plans, you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, but it will take much more time to reach a goal.

In short, experts who cry "It is impossible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time," try to say that you can not try to do one thing and succeed in making each other simultaneously . Ineffective anyway.

What does this mean for you? Simple!If you want to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time, I must ask you if you are patient enough to wait for the results that will have a long time. Fighting 2 battles at the same time is difficult. I recommend that you choose either build muscle or burn fat first. Then focus on that, and once you achieve this, focus on the next. This will help you do more things faster and more efficiently.

Although it is technically possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, it may not be practical, because it is much less effective in achieving these two objectives together. Instead of prioritizing and aspire to these goals first, then the other.

Jun 29, 2015

How Are Fitness and Weight Loss Related?

Today, many people are overweight, sedentary lifestyle, or both. If for any reason you decide to change a single problem - more physically active and lose weight, what could be the best option.

According Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study, in which researchers monitored the level of health, body weight and exercise more than 14,000 middle-aged men 11 years old, be in better physical shape can be more beneficial than weight loss. The level of fitness participants was estimated by measuring their metabolic equivalents (MET) through a stress test.

The results showed that men who keep their fitness levels, compared to those whose levels decreased during the study, reduce the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 30%, even if they do not lose significant weight excess. Men whose fitness improved - reduced their risk of cardiovascular disease by 40%.

How fitness is measured?There are countless fitness definitions related to the comfort of body sensation and having an athletic figure, but one of the most accurate reflects the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to power / oxygen during exercise of moderate intensity low, and the ability to use the muscles of oxygen.

A clear and effective way to measure fitness levels is the use of a treadmill to estimate the maximum physical capacity. While running on a treadmill, the speed and incline gradually increase until you can not go further. Physical capacity is usually measured in METs - the amount of oxygen used while sitting or sleeping. The respective number of MET is calculated by a formula based on the speed and incline at peak performance.

Increase the ability to get closer to your healthy weightAchieving and maintaining a healthy weight, and increasing physical activity showed two of the best things you can do to improve your long term health. But what if you are overweight and inactive? This study and others suggest that being more active is a good first step toward better health.

The increased amount of physical activity and / or exercise depends on age, gender, current physical condition and individual characteristics. It is important when you are starting from. If your fitness level is low today, you can increase the performance of the regular activity that challenges your body, and gradually improve its levels increase slowly in the long term.

 No need for intense exercise, in terms of physical condition related to health, can often lead to more negative than positive effects. To challenge your body, it means working hard enough to speed up the heart rate and breathing.For people who do not regularly train their heart, lungs and muscles, any increase in activity is important. But as beneficial as physical activity is, in itself can not lead to a significant reduction in weight.  

To further improve your health and reduce the risk of developing many diseases, this study and countless others before it, suggests that you still want to reduce their excess weight. Of course, this is achieved through a balanced diet and gradually reduced daily energy intake.  

The slow and gradual changes are essential, as it allows meal plans that are more easily tracked, it gives enough time for the body to adapt to the new trends of the time, and it is expected that the results have long been known and durable.

Ban the Treadmill! The Role of Cardio Exercise in Losing Weight and Burning Fat

You may be wondering how it is possible, when we said in the past that cardiovascular exercise is the key to fat loss. My answer to this question is "no sense" - And for many of you this is fantastic news, because there are very few of us who really like running on a treadmill of "destination anywhere" for hours at a time.
I saw him many times.  

After registration at the gym, most people thing is to get on the treadmill, ride 04/05 to 05/05 km / hour, and walk for an hour while watching the television screens. After an initial improvement, months would pass with little visible change in appearance. Has this ever happened to you?

Do not feel bad if you've fallen into this trap. Has been teaching in our initial and fitness professional for cardio to be effective, we must exercise at a rate of 55-65% of our maximum heart rate for 45-60 minutes, to ensure that we remain in the 'fat burning zone.

 "This is very boring, so many customers are distracted watching TV, reading books or listening to your mp3 player. I think this is a waste of time, because I now understand that" unconscious "moves without approach leads to decreased motivation and draws.

This means looking at the problem from an emotional point of view. The science behind breaking the hard cardio "myth" LISS is that this kind of hated exercise increases stress hormones, growth hormones decreases and leads to overeating.

 The stress hormone I mean here is "cortisol" - responsible increased fat in the abdomen (abdominal fat) and growth hormones are responsible for building muscle and burning fat. By continually participate in Liss, you may lose a little weight at first, but the end result will be a limp body "skinny-fat" tone without definition.

At this point you may be thinking, "Great, I'll never have to redo aerobic exercise" ... not so fast! The heart is a muscle, and when we do not use our muscles are consumed. Increasing your aerobic capacity is very important in your overall health ... is the type of aerobic exercise that is about to change from now.

I would like to introduce a high-intensity interval training (HIIT), the key to getting all the benefits of cardio exercise program in the office of the fat, increase growth hormones and change the way you look in a minimum time. HIIT training is the -COURTE periods "interval" of intense exercise followed by periods of rest / recovery.  

There are many ways to do HIIT, you can try a simple example would today be running (fast!) For a block and walk two blocks, repeating the cycle seven times over a period of 15- 20 minutes. Another way is to turn the intensity on an elliptical machine for a minute and then turn down for two minutes, repeating the cycle 6-7 times.

For fans who like to ride your bike, a natural HIIT circuit would be an area with lots of hills and valleys. Those who love swimming can swim a few laps, tread water for one minute, then repeat this cycle over a 15-20 minute period. There are so many possibilities, and when combined with an activity you enjoy, you are sure to get results, because it is a program that certainly respect.

HIIT has so many benefits ... the most important for me is the feeling of "high" that I need when I finished my training because I am a firm believer that a positive emotional state is within the key to looking good on the outside. Other benefits include more efficient burning fat, decreased muscle loss, increased resting metabolic rate (RMR), improved oxygen consumption (VO2 max), improved insulin action and better athletic performance .

In short, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain to stop these endless cardio sessions ... slipping of the feet of the machine, watching the endless clock, stupid TV program on screens n 'choose and lost all the time and energy. I encourage you to check references below and take a minute to reflect on this knowledge.

Good luck, and I hope you try HIIT cardio session today ... you'll be glad you did!

How to Release Fat Burning Hormones - 3 Healthy and Fast Fat Loss Tips

It may not be aware, but there are two types of hormones that determine whether you win or lose weight. These are fat combustion hormones as growth hormone (GH) and glucagon hormone and fat storage, insulin. This article will focus on achieving healthy and lose fat fast learning to release fat burning hormones to keep insulin at a safe level.

Take these 3 tips to heart to release hormones burning fat

Aerobic or cardio coherent

Since oxygen is needed to burn fat, aerobic (meaning "with oxygen") or cardio, as it is now known, is ideal for moderately effective fat loss. Consistency is more important than the type made of aerobics.

Brisk walking, jumping rope, dancing or mowing the lawn - they are also excellent choices for low intensity exercise. Although it is possible to lose 5-10 pounds with these exercises, it is imporant to note that the fat burning effects cease once the training is completed.

A good night's sleep is paramount
 Adequate sleep releases the hormone of about 1-2 hours of sleep growth begins. For most, 7-8 hours of sleep at night offer the maximum benefits of this hormone. Note that skimp on closing the eyes will result in less growth hormone is produced by the body to burn less fat.

Time to go to bed is also critical. Research shows that more growth hormone occurs if you are asleep during the afternoon. In addition, daytime sleepiness was found to be less effective. It appears that the daylight reduces the production of this hormone, which leads to less fat burning.

Eating protein and swing

Unsurprisingly, good nutrition is the third vital component to release fat burning hormones.

Fresh fruit such as apples, pineapples, strawberries and vegetables such as carrots, asparagus, lettuce and tomatoes flush out the fat. But it is the protein, such as chicken, eggs, tofu and (preferably organic) lean red meat, which actually release the other burning hormone, glucagon fat. As a bonus, eating lean meats gives you a feeling of fullness, avoiding the temptation to overeat.

You need to lose more weight?

 The above tips will help you lose a moderate amount of weight, 5-10 pounds. But if you need to lose weight seriously, no way around it: you'll have to perform high intensity exercises, period. This type of exercise will increase the metabolic rate to a level such that the effect of burning fat (afterburner) continues from 10 am to perhaps one day, it makes you lose more fat.

Jun 28, 2015

2 Effective Aerobic Exercises For Losing Weight

If you want to stay fit and lose weight you have to exercise regularly to have effective results. The best exercises to burn calories and fitness are aerobic exercises. There are many choices aerobics with being the most popular term. 

 Running is a very effective exercise to give your body a good cardiovascular workout. However, not everyone works the way you want. Many people find it puts a lot of pressure on your joints especially your knees. There is also a problem where you live. If you live in a busy city built it is not the best place for healthy functioning.

If you prefer to stay in shape without running, you can choose from a number of other aerobic exercises that will work. For example, you can choose between swimming, cycling, rowing and walking. These are great alternatives to running or jogging.

 They are very effective in pumping heart and lungs so intensely than running. They also have the advantage of not having an impact on your joints.

If exercise was beating fast your heart rate and makes breathless, then this is a good cardiovascular workout. Other examples of this type of exercise are popular aerobics classes. Another great exercise that will give you a great aerobic workout is circuit training.

The key is to choose an exercise that you enjoy doing. If you have fun doing it are more likely to continue. If this becomes boring and repetitive it increases the chances that you'll want to stop smoking. Two good exercises that are fun to do are swimming and cycling.

Swimming is a great low-impact aerobic sports. Unlike running, where there is a constant impact made in your joints, swimming supports your body with water. Swimming is commonly used by athletes to rehabilitate after injury. If you choose to take swimming is taking some first lessons to improve their technique.

Cycling is another low-impact sport that is very effective in giving you a good aerobic workout. Because it is a low impact exercise that is the perfect sport for people who hold a physical training for the first time.

With exercise you warm up and stretch first ensures. If you have a medical condition or recovering from an injury, it is advisable to talk to a doctor or doctor for advice before undertaking any new form of exercise.

How to Lose Fat Fast - Simple But Proven and Effective Ways to Shed the Fat For an Amazing Body

There are many ways you can lose fat quickly and we will discuss here. However, remember that fat loss does not necessarily mean that you will succeed if you made the right decisions all the time. It is important that you realize that the decisions will not make things happen for you, but you are. We must act on what is right, especially when you want to lose fat quickly.

Cutting calories
 I know you've probably heard that somewhere and somehow it feels like it is just old school. On the other hand, you might think that it does not really do you any good, because you think that you can succeed without reducing your calories. However, if you do not do any action contrary to the real reason you take the fat, you will not be able to lose weight effectively.

Even when you are less active and do not actively work like everyone else. You must eat fewer calories if you do not deliver you to exercise.

Regular Exercise
 No need for you to get involved in the crash diet because it will make things worse. His body will be lower and was stressed. What you need is energy so that you can still go about their daily routine. You need regular exercise so that you need not go to plant diet just to lose fat quickly. If you do not eat, you will not be able to be productive in their daily lives.

Healthy Lifestyle
 Avoid vices such as excessive drinking or drinking because most alcoholic drinks are high in calories. Avoid smoking because it interrupted only natural mechanism of the body. These vices will only lose all desire and interest for fat loss, especially when you are sick of them. You have to start taking care of yourself in the right way so you have no problem with their health later.

There are other methods by which you can lose fat quickly, but others involve procedures. Two known methods are stomach stapling and liposuction. These are extreme ways of losing fat, but it will actually make you get rid of fat quickly without indulge in strenuous activity and frustrating diet.

Stomach stapling allow you to eat less because the body can only hold less food. You can not keep eating their staff because stomach staples rate will be useless. When the stomach stretches again is almost nothing I can do.

Liposuction on the other hand is a procedure in which it is the direct extraction of body fat. Although fat back, he needs to be strengthened with healthy lifestyle and eat just enough.

How to Lose Fat in Your Obliques - Three Top Tips to Get You Started

How to lose fat oblique is a question that many adults. They regularly manage to do through training schemes and the long, hard and boring, only to find the fat re-appear weeks later when they stop dieting or training. Well, I'll tell you how to lose fat in your obliques and stay fit for life.

Before starting on how to lose fat in your obliques, we need to know what the oblique muscles. Without getting too technical are our stomach muscles that are so often covered by the fat with the familiar name of love handles. It is important to know that the main objective is to get rid of the fat that covers the oblique and tone the oblique muscles so they give a good shape to the body.

If not dispose of the fat first, then all the hard work that goes into how to lose fat in your obliques will be a waste of time because the oblique muscles can not see if they are covered with a layer of fat. What are the top three tips on how to lose fat in your obliques?

Number one. A change in eating habits is necessary. Note that I say a change of food and not a reduction of the food. Too many people think that fat is caused by overeating. It does not. It is a combination of age and eating the wrong types of food.  

We played it over in our guide of the basic rules but when it comes to your diet is to stay away from estrogen foods, eating foods burn more fat and do not assume that because the food is known to be healthy means that it will make you It helps you lose weight. The purpose of diet modification is to get your percentage of total body fat to 10%.

Number two. Once you have your total body fat percentage of 10%, it was noticed that you fat begins to disappear. Then you can type in the back as he would have taken the first step on the way to lose fat in your obliques. Besides looking better you will also notice that you have more energy and focus. This is due to the types of food consumed. 

 The next step is to start a whole body that we worked all the details in our guide. An entire body of work burns fat more than if you just did oblique exercises. Your metabolism increases and stayed with energy at the end of the work so that you can perform on your normal day.

Number three. This trick is really a positive mindset is needed to keep the fat away from the obliques. Get used to drive 20 minutes to all the bodies of at least four times a week. Remember, swimming and walking are great exercises.  

As you can see, there is really very simple and adopting an attitude that corresponds with the rest of your life plan can not only know how to lose fat in your obliques, but can also be the living proof.

Jun 27, 2015

Why Exercising for Weight Loss in Your 'Fat Burning Zone' is a Waste of Time

Have you ever heard of a trainer or fitness professional staff say that to maximize fat loss you need to maximize your exercise time in his "Fat Burning Zone"? He also noticed that almost all piece of cardio equipment has a program to "burn fat" spaced interval and random programs? 

What is called Fat Burning Zone anyway and why should you look for better options to help maximize the results of fat loss? This article provides basic information on the field of fat burning and why interval training kind could provide permanent results faster.

The defined area of ​​fat burning

 The Fat Burning Zone (FBZ) is an intensity (eg, walking speed) aerobic exercise that concentrates the use of fat as fuel. Exercise intensity is usually measured by monitoring heart rate, so the exercise in about 65% of your maximum / HR max heart rate (220 - age) who placed in the "zone".

Contributions / energy metabolism during exercise

 Exercise intensity determines the relative contribution of different sources of energy (carbohydrates, protein, fat) to feed it. For example, high intensity exercise, such as running and sprinting more dependent on the use of carbohydrates that low intensity exercise such as walking in the area is based on the use of fat.

the energy metabolism operates in a continuous exercise intensity - that is, at any intensity never does your body makes use of a single type of fuel. For example, even in an all-out run some of their energy will come from fat and protein, but the vast majority come from carbohydrates. Similarly, even in the burning of fat for a percentage of their energy from carbohydrates and proteins, but a much larger contribution will come from fat.

The rule of thumb is the higher the exercise intensity, the higher the relative contribution of carbohydrates to total energy expenditure and vice versa for the fat - and it is true that the intensity FBZ, fat will be the most contributor of calories burned during the workout. (If I have confused you read the explanation).

For the casual sports, the FBZ is essentially useless

 Here's why:
 Fat and weight loss is directly dependent calories (energy) Balance - in other words, if your total calories (food calories - the calories burned from exercise) in a day is less than the amount needed to maintain your weight today you will lose weight; if you consume more energy than you need to maintain your current weight, you will gain weight.

Your body does not care where the "calories burned exercising" come - carbohydrates, protein or fat, the key is the number of calories expended to exercise intensity FBZ requires taking much longer to burn calories because. the requirement of the power / energy is so low.

EXCEPTIONS: Exercising in the area, however, may be useful for severely deconditioned or obese people who do not have the physical capacity to perform a kind of workout intensity. If that is the case, the fat burning zone must be seen as a step towards progress.

The key is to maximize the number of calories burned

 Unless you have a lot of weeks and tons of patience to lose weight through exercise regularly in the FBZ; the best option is to maximize the number of calories burned in the shortest period of time. Interval training is based much more suited to losing weight fast and safe.

Interval Training basically means "fighting" high-intensity exercise separated by periods of low intensity "recovery". An example of an interval could work at high intensity (80-90% HR max) for 2 minutes and then walk (60-65% HR max) for about 4 minutes - keep a job (run) rate of approximately recovery of 1: 2 or 1: 3.

Hiking sessions have two objectives: they contribute to the total calories burned and allow the recovery and regeneration of energy for the next fight in subsequent gear. This type of intermittent training intensity allows burning more calories in a much shorter period of time that accelerate weight and fat loss.

So even if I burn carbohydrates with a higher interval type of exercise intensity, I can still lose fat?


 Remember that the calories do not count source. Carbohydrate stores in the liver and muscles (glycogen) called depleted by exercise must be replaced during recovery. So essentially more food calories consumed after exercise will be directed to glycogen replenishment and less will be directed to the storage of fat (which is only after glycogen stores have been stored as calories "excess" is targeted fat accumulation anyway).

Higher intensity exercise has other benefits

 Research also shows that the higher the exercise intensity increases oxygen consumption after exercise (COPD) and postprandial (after a meal) oxygen consumption. In other words, when resuming your metabolism increases significantly for several minutes to several hours after you stop exercising. This increases your caloric expenditure, even on the smallest type of exercise intensity FBZ.

High-intensity exercise will help you lose fat without damaging the precious muscle tissue and also promotes faster increase in their fitness levels of all types of muscle fibers (type I, type IIA, IIB) are stimulated in the process.

In conclusion, this article has emphasized the importance of the intensity of exercise to burn calories. Obviously, if your goal is to lose weight and fat mass more quickly and be more fit, based on interval training, it is far superior to exercise in the fat burning zone.