Jul 12, 2015

Weight Loss Tips - 7 Fundamental Tips for Permanent Weight Loss


1. Resistance training

This is the best way to lose weight and transform your body - hands down. Strength training changes the composition of your body like no other exercise.

 Resistance training (any exercise that offers resistance to muscles to work against - namely, weight training or using your own body weight) causes tearing of the muscle fibers and when your body re-building it rebuilt stronger than it was before. In fact, it has a positive impact on your body the more recent introduction, more muscle, which means that it increases the body's metabolism, leading to more efficient fat burning at any time.

2. Interval conditioning

 Furthermore, it is known as interval training or high intensity interval training (HIIT) This is intense cardiovascular workout in short bursts, sharp accelerating your metabolism and fat burning capacity so it can go.

 Any exercise that is high intensity, such as sprinting or jumping rope is regarded as interval training, so that the intensity remains constant for a few minutes and then decreased for a few minutes (not slowed to a walk) to He accelerated again to the maximum. The main advantages of this type of exercise is that you burn calories at a pace of work not only exercise, but for many hours, even at rest.

3. Drink water - and lots

 This is very important, yet so often overlooked. Your body is made up of 60-70% water, blood is about 90% water - so that your body needs to function properly this vital ingredient for a number of functions such as temperature regulation , transporting nutrients, digestion, lubrication of joints, to name a few. So replace lost fluids is vital, not only for your body to function properly, but also to maintain performance. Dehydration is one of the main enemies of your body. 

 Even a slight decrease in their hydration levels decreases muscle strength and aerobic significantly. It does not take much. Look at it this way - if you lose more than 10-12% of their body weight in water, it could die. How much should you take? 65-80oz one day.

4. Do not skip breakfast

 With our busy lifestyles, the breakfast is probably the easiest meal of the day to jump. With so much to do in the morning and the upward trend in the last minute that we feel so tired, it is tempting to do so on a regular basis. But that would lead to hinder our attempts to lose weight. If you skip breakfast, you slow down the metabolism of your body down, resulting in less efficient fat burning at rest during the day.

 Remember that you have not eaten anything for 7-8 hours, so do not give your body the nutrients needed in time can lead to overeating during the day. A good breakfast with complex carbohydrates and protein will give your body start the day you need to feel energized and full.

5. Use multi-joint exercises

I'm a big believer in multi-joint exercises. To burn fat, you get much more for their "money" (ie time) to perform exercises that are multi-joint, isolation exercises this. Squats, lunges, pushups, right-lines, kettle bell movements, multi-joint exercises Revs your metabolism much faster than many more muscles in your body are involved in an exercise, such as a -curls isolation exercise like biceps.

 Through these exercises often involve toned lean muscles, high caloric burn during and after the training session.

6. Do not worry about weight loss

"Scale Obsessive 'is a commonplace that many people start a fitness program and weight loss. Weighing yourself too often will not give an indication of your progress. If you need to weigh yourself, do only once. week, no more Remember, your fat loss is important, not weight loss weight loss is only important when you actually lost weight is fat -. no loss of weight through the loss ..

 Concentrate water or muscles of your body, the way you look and feel in your clothes and your body composition If you measure something, measure the composition of your fat body every few weeks - which is a much more accurate and representative measurement of progress fat loss.

7. Eat frequently

Eat every 3-4 hours. Starvation and restriction of calories in your body is only slow down your metabolism to conserve energy - not very effective for burning fat - a normal reaction of your body's survival mechanism. Turn your metabolism by eating regularly so that your body has to work to digest food intake often. Foods that are naturally rich in nutrition, lean protein, low-fat dairy and healthy fats.

Ultimately, lose fat, you need to commit to a complete process - you need to force the train, eat the right foods in the right amounts at the right time, doing high intensity interval conditioning, and drink plenty of water . If any of these elements is missing, the progress and results will suffer.

The goal here is to make your body a fat burning machine, burn calories and burn fat in the body at a faster rate than normal, although not exercising.

That is why it is important to know the basics - to secure, steady weight loss insurance.

for more informations about  weight loss and exercise, visit my blog :  http://greatideas7.blogspot.com/ , and  : http://the1perfect.blogspot.com/

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