Jul 15, 2015

3 Top Tips How to Lose Fat in 7 Days


There are many ways to lose fat fast but I have put these three simple tips for you to get quick results. Our bodies have different metabolisms so it may take a few more days, or less, to check your results.

Now I can not tell you how much fat you will lose, but I can guarantee you that you will lose, if you follow the program.

You've probably heard of these tips, they may even have used some, but not all together in a combination. Personally, I lost four kilos in four weeks and I'm not even overweight. (Well, I'm a bit obviously). (Well, I had a little too much kilos around my stomach.)

Let's take a look at what they are:1. Drink up to four liters of water a day2. Do not drink alcohol3. Do not eat pasta / bread / rice / potatoes after 18:00

Yes, they know; let me explain in more detail to make more sense.

Tip 1 - Four liters of water a day is a lot, but depending on your body weight can reduce, but the minimum should be two liters per day. It is not as difficult as you think. Think you will be awake for at least 12 hours a day, so just a glass is reduced every hour. Having a water bottle always at hand; one in a refrigerator, in your bag and a workstation.

You can replace some of the water with green tea. Antioxidants in tea you well to kill the toxins in your body.

Water is natural appetite for food. Drink plenty of it at night when you feel you are hungry. It might just be what you are dehydrated. Many times you brain tells you that you are hungry, but really just have to moisturize. Drinking water will allow you to give your body what it needs instead of extra calories.

Research has shown that water helps remove toxins from your body, leaving healthy. Since water has no carbs, calories, no fat, no sugar is ideal for fat loss program.

Tip 2 - Do not drink alcohol. It can be hard to follow this advice for some of you, but it is absolutely essential that you do this, if you want to see quick results.

Some researchers might not agree with that for overall health, but for fat loss is worse for you to have a glass or two of wine or beer a day for all those drinks in a day. If you really have to drink, treat yourself to a day and drink plenty of water while you are doing. And stay away from "midnight snack.

Alcohol has a high sugar content, it will cause fat deposits in your body. When taken at night, in most cases it becomes very difficult to avoid this carbohydrate deposits.

To drink, not only for a week, you can lose 1-3 kilos. I know people who have lost 7 kilos in one week just not drinking. This council is infallible.

Tip 3 - Do not eat pasta / bread / rice / potatoes after 18:00, eat protein and salads.

There are some rules to this rule. Do not eat food after 20 hours if you have to, eat nuts or yogurt and drinking water. Also avoid sweets, eat for breakfast or lunch and not very often.

Make sure you eat at least 4 times per day, thus allowing the body to process food and keep your metabolism working - which means burning calories throughout the day. Meals are fewer and hard work for metabolism and may not be able to burn all the calories. Having small meals. If necessary, at the beginning eliminate half of their food on his plate.

You can eat everything, but be careful about the food combinations. Each meal should consist of protein and carbohydrates. Try to get your carbs from vegetables instead of pasta, bread or potatoes.

Always they have some vegetables or fruit in your meals. If you have to eat more fresh fruit than sweets occasion. But if you really can not resist eating dark chocolate because it is one of the highest amounts of antioxidants. The darker it is best for your body.

Avoid fat-free products. They tend to have very high sugar content that do more harm than good by trying to lose fat quickly.

Remember 50% of your desired fat loss can be achieved through good nutrition, so be sure to take healthy meals.

Take a month and see the results. You see, you will have less fat, less kilos and you'll be healthier. Please try this loss program simple and easy to use fat and want to know how it worked for you. Feel free to leave a comment or send an email if you have a question about food combinations.

 I would love to hear from you.

for more informations about  weight loss and exercise, visit my blog :  http://easychallenge.blogspot.com/ , and  : http://the1perfect.blogspot.com/

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