Jul 1, 2015

Aerobics - The Ultimate Secret to Fat Loss

Aerobic exercise is the real secret to losing body fat. Except for the genetically gifted people who seem to have it was "Born torn," is very difficult - if not impossible - to lose fat permanently on a diet. Follow a diet without exercise is one of the main reasons why 95% of weight loss programs today fail.

 The reason is simple: A reduction in caloric intake, so extreme, prolonged or slows the metabolism, while an increase in activity can actually speed up your metabolism.  

Eat (and often eat) increases your metabolic rate. Then he getting regular aerobic exercise and eat more often, get a double increase in metabolic rate! Most people are afraid to spend more calories and increase cardio at the same time as the two appears somehow "cancel each other" Surprisingly, it is the opposite;. Enhancing the other.

What types of exercises are considered aerobic?

When I say "aerobics" I'm not talking about dance music, choreography and the luxury of jumping up and down in the last classes of fashion. By definition, aerobic means "with oxygen". For the fat to be burned using oxygen. For oxygen to be used, the activity should be maintained for an extended period. If an activity is intermittent in nature, it is not aerobic - is anaerobic burns or sugar.

For the purposes of this program, "aerobics" is a cardiovascular activity that is rhythmic in nature, it involves large muscle groups (ie legs), and here's the kicker - can be maintained continuously for long periods time (at least 20-30 minutes to as long as 60 minutes). Walking, jogging, cycling, stair climbing, rowing, cross country skiing and elliptical exercise fit perfectly.

Some people prefer to call "cardio" instead of "aerobics" but what you call, you have to do if you want to burn fat.

The difference between the effective exercise and recreational burning fat

Some types of exercise are more effective than others when it comes to losing fat measurable "real world". Tennis, golf, basketball, racquetball, house or yard work, or any other intermittent activities or sports are not effective for burning fat because they are anaerobic. 

 I'm not saying do not help at all, and I'm not saying you should not do them. What I am saying is that this kind of start / stop operations should not be your first choice if your goal is fat loss maximum - which should be regarded as the first leisure and fat burning exercises seconds.

Short bursts of activity primarily burn carbohydrates as fuel. Fat can not be used as a fuel in the presence of oxygen and the oxygen is used in longer duration aerobic activities. The question is; What if you are fat or carbohydrates for fuel combustion? The answer is yes and no.  

Any increase your activity level, whether fat or carbohydrate burning mainly had no impact on fat loss. However, it has been my experience that to achieve low levels of body fat, you must burn as many calories from fat as possible by doing more exercises at moderate to moderately severe intensity.

Choosing the right type of aerobic exercise will help you burn more calories from fat and achieve maximum fat burning as soon as possible. So, let's now talk about the design of a maximum of fat burning aerobic workout.

The myth of the fat burning zone "Long, low intensity to burn fat"

A myth that has invaded the world of fitness is longer than the low-intensity aerobic exercise burns more body fat than high-intensity aerobic exercise. This theory suggests that once your heart rate goes out of the "burning zone target fat", you stop burning fat and burning most carbohydrates. Therefore, the theory, the best way to lose fat is aerobic exercise of low intensity.

This myth has led to many personal trainers and exercise organizations to promote low-intensity aerobic training as the ideal way to lose fat. His advice:. "The low intensity exercise for long term fat loss" Unfortunately, they are completely wrong if that were true, we could extend the combustion zone of low intensity fat to his theory. the logical conclusion and say that the rest of twelve hours a day is the end of fat burner because when you sleep (very low intensity activity done) you burn higher proportion of fat and carbohydrates.

 The problem is, because sleep is so "low intensity", which burns almost no calories! If the intensity of an activity is too low, does not burn enough to have a total impact on the loss of fat calories.

How to double your most frequent aerobic fat loss rate

How do you learn a way to double your fat loss in the next seven days? It's actually very simple: To burn more fat you have to burn more calories. Most beginners start with three days a week of cardiovascular training. Usually, they see good results in the first because their bodies are not accustomed to exercise and increased activity on all activity will always produce results.

More often than not, the results start to slow down after a few months of training. Scratch your head and wonder why not work anymore.

This is why: Because three days a week for beginners, health maintenance. If you want to double fat loss and want twice as fast, twice his cardio.

Suppose you burn 400 calories per workout for three workouts per week. That makes a total of 1,200 calories burned per week. If I passed six days a week at 400 calories per workout, you burn 2400 calories. YOU ONLY YOUR FAT LOSS doubled every week! It was a real highlight, right?

While we're on the subject of burning more calories, what would happen if it will increase your cardio three to six days a week, which increased the intensity of what you burn 600 calories per session of training? With six workouts to 600 calories per workout, it would be up to 3600 calories a week ....

You have just tripled your fat loss!

Yes, it is that simple.

Incidentally, this is kind of cardiovascular training as bodybuilders reach 3-4% body fat for competitions: I take about six days a week of intense cardio 45 minutes a session. Let me conclude the issue of the frequency of cardio this way: 

If I were overweight and I knew what I know now about fat loss, you do cardio every day, maybe even twice a day and seven days week until I'm happy with my weight. Then and only then would be reduced to three days a week for maintenance.

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