Jul 1, 2015

Weight Loss Basics - A Scientific Prospective For Lazy People

To achieve weight loss calorie metabolism must exceed calorie intake. Metabolism is a complex set of chemical measurements in the body needed to maintain life involving the use of energy from food known as calories name. Speaking simplistic, metabolism is the food energy combustion. 

 Therefore, if burns calories calories to lose weight you exceed the consumption occurs. Conversely, if caloric intake is greater than the number of calories weight gain occurs used.

Body to maintain life activities requiring metabolism include growth and development, various cellular functions including digestion, healing, breathing, immune function, and most chemical reactions that occur in the tissues of the body, that the movement of the muscles.

 When eaten more than the number of calories burned for various activities to sustain life, the extra calories are stored in the body. Unfortunately, one of the main forms of energy is stored in body fat.

Approximately 100% of the calories in the average diet is derived from three main types of food. These types of foods are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The caloric value of each food is expressed as the number of calories per gram. There are 4 calories per gram of protein and carbohydrate and 9 calories per gram of fat. 

 Our body uses more energy to the food, but also the particles of smaller chemical food, known molecules as building blocks for the body parts and to enzymes, which are proteins that accelerate chemical reactions body. For this reason, the total daily intake of calories may not be of one type of food, but should be balanced between carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Carbohydrates are simple sugars and complex chemical particles known as starches and fibers that are found in foods like bread, pasta, potatoes and cereals such as rye. According to most authorities, carbohydrates should represent between 50% and 55% of total daily calories.

The main sources of dietary protein are nuts, eggs, meat, beans, soybeans, soy and dairy products. Between 10% and 15% of total daily caloric intake should be in the form of protein.

Because of the higher fat calories, diets high in fat lead to weight gain and higher are associated with weight loss more difficult. The amount of fat in the diet should not only be limited if the weight loss is the goal, but also the relationship between fat consumption and heart disease and blood vessels. The authorities usually recommend that less than 30% of daily calories should be in the form of fat.

When you fasted for 12 hours or more, our bodies begin to break or burn calories from fat reserves, carbohydrates and stored in organs, in order to maintain body life activities to keep the proteins cellular level. All of the energy needed for life support amount of chemical and biological body when our digestive functions are inactive and are not physically active is known as the basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is expressed in calories per day.

 BMR decreases with age and is usually higher in men than in women. BMR also increases with increased muscle mass and decreases with obesity.

As the muscle cells and other tissue cells require more energy during exercise, the body breaks down stored energy sources (particularly fats) during exercise resulting in weight loss occurs when the amount of energy used not replaced or overcome by caloric intake before or after physical activity. Increased metabolism associated with physical activity, explains why exercise is so important in weight loss programs.

There are basically two forms of exercise, aerobic and anaerobic. Brisk walking, running and tennis are examples of aerobic exercise. Weightlifting is the most common form of anaerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is generally moderate and detained for long periods.  

There is increased breathing and increase the burning of fat that makes anaerobic exercise that is not maintained for long periods of time, but high intensity. Anaerobic exercise tends to be associated with the use of fat energy stores of the body without aerobic exercise, and therefore are not as effective in producing immediate weight loss is that aerobic exercise in combination with diet weightloss.

Although the immediate weight loss is usually not seen with anaerobic exercise, scientific findings suggest that anaerobic exercise increases the basal metabolic rate because of the resulting increase in muscle mass. Therefore, long-term, anaerobic exercise can be beneficial in achieving weight and may be more effective in maintaining weight loss once it has been reached.

Because of the relationship between the consumption of calories, burn calories and weight loss, the most successful weight loss programs are a combination of a healthy, lose weight and exercise make balanced diet. Using a weight calculator could be very useful to help coordinate a weight loss diet and exercise in your weight loss program.

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