Jul 10, 2015

The Number 1 Rule to Follow For Maximum Weight-Fat Loss


In this article I am going to share with you the number one rule for maximum weight and fat loss plus some very specific techniques for putting this rule into practice for maximum long term results.

This rule can be regarded as the golden rule of weight loss and fat, because no other principle, the technique or strategy works without their consistent implementation. It is therefore essential and so critical that no diet, there is a weight loss program and no exercise regime can not succeed without it. 

 Having said that, there are also some very specific parameters that must be followed to make this rule effective and productive long-term issue because many people think they know this rule and try to apply it and stop looking at the results they want.

This rule is not glamorous or sexy, or is complex or too fancy, which unfortunately is why many do not make it long term. Many people believe that if something is too simplistic and easy, so he can not work, can not produce results.  

And this limiting belief is very often what keeps people on their goals and dreams, because the truth is that very often the system and strategies for success are quite simple, is somewhat difficult to take coherent measures and long implementation term.

That said, let's get right to it. Rule number one for weight and the maximum fat loss is called "calorie balance". The balance of calories is simply this, in order to lose weight and reduce body fat should create and consistent caloric deficit, which means you need to take and consume fewer calories than you burn or use. Or to put it another way, you must burn more calories and use your consume and assimilate.



Simple right? Well, yes it is, but it is much more than that. For some, this could simply mean eating less and do more, but this is wrong and has made a very inefficient way for most people who use the wrong strategy and simply do not eat.  

They go for hours without eating basically starving, and although this, of course, create a calorie deficit but also makes a lot of things happen in the body that do not support effective weight loss long term fat.

The decrease in metabolic rate decreases and sugar spikes in blood, hormonal imbalances and food cravings are some of the negative consequences of the use of the wrong strategy for losing fat and weight and therefore the classic traditional diets It does not work. These things ultimately contribute to more weight and fat gain, the opposite of what you want to achieve.

It is therefore essential that you employ and use the right strategy for the maximum weight and fat loss by using the golden rule of balancing the calories. Should first and for most tip the scales in your favor by eating less and burning more, however this body has not achieved simply by hunger.

By applying these techniques you can and will control your calorie intake and eat less while burning more and rid your body to lose more weight and burn more fat.

1. Eat smaller more frequent meals.

I could write a whole chapter in this case the technique itself. The benefits of eating smaller, more frequent meals are endless. The main one of which is a high metabolism and increase that will result in more calories burned throughout the day.  

You must divide your intake of calories or normal food in 5-6 meals in uniform and eaten at regular intervals throughout the day, 2-3 hours between each size. I can not stress this enough and recommended technique for the maximum weight and fat loss!


2. Chew your food

Most of us are in a hurry so that we are not able to chew food properly, resulting in us overeat and consume too much food and too many calories in each session to try to burn our body . It is more than we need and what the excess is stored as fat.

 Overeating is common when people try to go for hours without eating and sugar levels in the blood begins to fall. Portion control is an essential step in the battle of weight loss and fat. It can take up to 20 minutes for the hormone leptin to reach our brain and tell us we are full. Chewing food thoroughly and take your time eating slower allows digestion and easier for us to recognize when we have eaten enough appropriate.

3. Drink plenty of water equivalent ad

I must say that this is something very few people do. Even with my recommendations and consistent effort to try to keep people at a higher level, I would say 80% of my private clients still do not consume an adequate supply of water throughout the day. Our bodies are about 80% water and that every cell in our body needs water to function properly. 

 Chronic dehydration is a major contributor to many diseases and conditions, but also causes people to eat more and misunderstood by many thirsty hungry simply because they are so at odds with their bodies. If you are dehydrated then you will not be able to function or perform anywhere near their optimum level and will never approach Fore your ability to lose weight and burn fat effectively. Their results are largely limited. 

 The next time you find your own desire for a certain kind of food you know does not support your weight goals and fat loss, try drinking a glass of water first and then see how you feel . This technique is therefore underutilized and underestimated which is why so many people struggle with their weight.

Ok, now, why are only the tip of the iceberg these techniques and tricks are enough to get started and get results with the golden rule number one "calorie balance". Be committed and consistent with these three steps and make regular vigorous exercise at least 3 times a week and you'll probably lose weight and burn fat fast.

You can also find out more about weight loss : http://easychallenge.blogspot.com/  , and  the most effective forms of exercise to use when trying to lose weight, burn fat and shed pounds in : http://the1perfect.blogspot.com/

Here is to your health, your happiness and never ending success

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