Aug 3, 2015

3 Ways to Guarantee You'll Lose Weight Fast Naturally

Lose Weight Fast Naturally

Want to lose weight fast naturally, without the use of expensive pills and weight loss products? The secret to losing weight naturally is free, easy and only requires their commitment to follow these three principles to ensure their success.

1. Exercise - Walking 30 minutes a day

The fatty acids are burned by the body and used as fuel in low-intensity, long-term activities, such as walking. This is great news for you if you want to lose weight on.
To lose weight, you must gradually build up to brisk walking 5 mph for at least 30 minutes daily rate. Try 12-minute mile where he was sweating, but able to hold a conversation while walking briskly along.
At this rate that your body needs to use both arms and legs to control and maintain the movement and balance. This tone body muscle twitching and much thinner air.

2. Eat a balanced diet

If you eat more calories than your body needs, the excess is stored as fat.A healthy balanced diet should include a variety of food groups:

* Protein - meat, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds. You should have two servings of protein-rich foods every day. A serving is:"Meat and fish the size of a deck of cards"Two eggs"Four tablespoons of lentils or beans* Bread, cereals and potatoes - about five servings of carbohydrates a day. A serving is:"Three tablespoons of breakfast cereal or pasta"A large slice of bread"Two potato egg size* Fruits and vegetables - Aim for at least five servings a day. A portion weighs about 80g and can include fresh fruits and vegetables canned, frozen and dried. A serving is:"Two tablespoons of vegetables"Whole fruit like an apple, an orange, a pear"Two tablespoons of strawberries or raspberries

* Dairy - Choose low-fat or reduced fat versions to reduce the amount of calories in your diet. Aim for about three servings of dairy a day. A serving is:

"An average glass of milk"A small cup of yogurt"A small piece of cheese box size matches* Sugars- fats and are high in calories and you should reduce your intake of these foods as much as possible.

3. Drink more water

Water keeps the body hydrated, it eliminates waste and toxins and helps the process of digestion of food. Once you make a habit of drinking water, you should try to drink at least eight glasses a day.

Drinking water will help you lose weight naturally:

* Drink a glass of water before each meal, the water will help you feel full, you eat less.* Drink water throughout the day instead of filling with snacks.* Drinking water will flush toxins that tend to make you feel lethargic. As a result, you have more energy and burn more calories.

You can make the commitment to exercise and eat a balanced diet every day and. If you follow these principles you will soon see the difference and find that you can lose weight fast naturally, your health and your fitness will improve and you will feel good about yourself.

for more informations about  weight loss and fat loss , visit my blog :  and  :

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